Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas

Thats what I'm talkin about!

Tracy's present represents the largest gift under the smallest tree in Campbell history.

Christmas phase II - Meemaws

The gift opening carnage is subdued these days with the kids all growed up and well mannered. Well, mostly.

...see what i mean?! Sippin coffee casually opening gifts?

Steve's clean up detail has little to do.

Frank spends most of Christmas finding a place to hunker down.

No one appreciates a gift more than Bops.

The Christmas tree reflects past memories.

And and some not so distant, eh Tess? Luckily there isn't a Lisa hates Will ornament.

Meems's sweet rolls are as big as pumpkin pie at Christmas. Well, almost. ;)  Todd handily dispatched 3 rolls.

Tip toe, thrrrrrrru the tulips......

Franks at it again, finding a warm body to cuddle.

Stella, on the other hand, is comfortable in any position.

Uh...the board game devolved into some sort of grudge match? Go T-Bone!

Nice flowers Stu.